Usability Test
We recruited 8 participants(4 parents and 4 children), provided scenarios to them and asked them to perform adoption-related tasks:
Test for Adult
Imagine that you are at the Museum of Science and Industry entrance with your child and have limited knowledge of the museum’s layout. The
first exhibit you plan to see is the “Science Behind Pixar.” You review the printed map and try to identify a route to the exhibit. Can you show
me how you would use this application prototype to find the exhibit?
Test for Child
Imagine that you walk past the “Coal Mine ” exhibit as you search for the “Extreme Ice” exhibit. You get bored and take your mom’s smartphone.
The smartphone vibrates. You read the smartphone notification about an augmented reality feature in the airplane above the “Coal Mine” exhibit.
Can you show me how you would find and use the augmented reality feature on the app?